Ok, so firstly, I swear that this is the truth and that it all happened this morning my Blogville friends. I am sitting down to write it immediately in order to: a) process it all; and b) share it with you. I even stopped at Tim Horton’s on my way home and treated myself to an extra-large orange pekoe tea.
So, let me start by saying that recently hubby and I popped into a Casino to donate my usual $20.00 but I won $100!! I cashed out immediately and out popped a $100 bill. I am not sure if I have seen too many $100 bills but I can attest that this was the first one I have ever had in my wallet! Anyway, I had to pop into the bank this morning to get a money order that I need for this coming Wednesday. Our downtown is under major road construction with many detours. I had mentioned to my husband the other day that I simply park a few blocks away near a cathedral because there are always spots available, and then I simply walk to the bank from there. As I was driving to this convenient parking spot, I noticed that one of our homeless shelters has a brand new van (donated I am sure) that is very nice and looks very comfortable. I was happy for them as they do such good work for our homeless population. In hindsight however, I call this foreshadowing. Anyway, I found my usual parking spot, popped a looney into the meter and noted I had 1 hour 20 minutes for my little trip to the bank. I was on my merry way and got to the intersection where I usually cross the construction area in order to walk the last half a block to the bank. A nice young man in a hard hat smiled and me and said, “Sorry ma’am, the sidewalk is closed. You have to cross at Cedar Street.” Noticing my perplexed expression he instructed, “Oh, just go down this laneway (gesturing to where I had just passed) and then go through the laneway on the other block and you should be good.” He had a lovely smile given the awful words he was spewing at me. So, being the obedient citizen, ‘Change of Plan’, I turned around and started down the first laneway. I was about halfway through the laneway when I came upon a small inset area that I think was perhaps once an entrance to a part of City Hall. My ‘spidey senses’ were tingling when I noticed a young man in there facing the wall. For my own sanity I have changed this detail from what I think he was doing, to the idea that he was pouring a hot lemonade drink onto the wall. I simply lowered my head, kept my eyes forward, and hoped that he did not suddenly turn around. From when I was a very young girl, my mother had always warned me to stay as far away as I could from doorways and entryways when I was walking alone. Thanks for that great advice mom! Quickly continuing on my way, now feeling a bit anxious, I could not remember if I was at the correct intersection where the sidewalk would now be available. Searching for a street sign I leaned around the corner and saw two fellows lighting what I can only assume were ‘crack pipes’. What the hell, “Excuse me fellas, can you tell me if the sidewalk is available on this block?” I asked. They lowered their pipes, the first fellow smiled toothlessly, and the second fellow mostly toothlessly, also smiled at me. One of them shook his head and said, “No ma’am, you need to go another block down.” I mean they would know, right? ‘Change of Plan.’ So I turned around and backtracked halfway down the block where I found the entrance to the second laneway that I was supposed to take. Just my luck there is a small homeless shelter right beside said laneway, and I guess it was that exact time when the shelter patrons have to leave for the day. So, witnessing the exodus from the doorway right beside the laneway I decided, ‘Change of Plan.’ (After all, I had my fancy $100 bill from the casino right there in my wallet and I planned to keep it!) I kept on walking toward the end of that block, got my bearings, and made my way the few blocks more to my bank. As I didn’t need the money order until Wednesday my original plan was just to pop into the bank and ask about how I go about obtaining one, and then returning Wednesday to actually get it. ‘Change of Plan.’ So, I left the bank clutching my purse (containing my precious money order and $100 bill) and wondering why the hell I brought a purse when I normally do not for a simple bank run. A purse is easier for someone to grab from me than my bank card and any cash in the pocket of my jeans would be, so I usually leave it at home. But this was not a simple bank run, it was more of a Q&A, and I was not sure what documentation I might need. Ergo, the purse. Suddenly I had a thought, popped back in the bank and asked the teller if the Spruce Street sidewalk was available past (or through) the construction area. She said she did not think so. Well, its only a block over so I went to see for myself. She was right. Suddenly I was not prepared to go back the way I had come, especially with a shiny new money order in my purse. ‘Change of Plan.’ I was parked 2.5 blocks from my bank. That parking spot and subsequent detours ended up taking me about 7.5 blocks including the one laneway shortcut. After leaving the bank, the new path that I would have to take was now a ‘walk’. I walked past the public library and bus station, past one of our larger parks/playgrounds, past a grocery store and small row mall, past a Tim Horton’s, and then along another 4 or 5 mostly residential blocks until I finally got back to my truck. Well, well, I still had 5 minutes in the meter! I know, you were all waiting for the parking ticket weren’t you? Please, my morning was pretty crappy already. Gratefully, I hopped in my warm truck (did I not mention it was a chilly 4 degrees celsius this morning and I dressed for about 12 degrees?) and drove straight to Tim Horton’s. ‘Change of Plan.’ I did not drive to the location I had just walked past, I drove to one located way far away from the downtown area. Now, I sit here drinking that Tim’s XL tea and sharing this experience with all of you. I sincerely hope you all have a great rest of your day. If anyone out there has had any similar experiences, feel free to comment!
6/10/2024 03:51:37 pm
It’s an adventure everyday down there. Great story.
6/11/2024 06:59:42 am
Adventures abound for sure!
6/11/2024 07:55:51 am
These tingly senses continue to guide you.
6/12/2024 08:25:03 am
They sure do Joan!
Morietta Parsons
6/10/2024 04:58:44 pm
Well that was quite the Adventure. I would have been nervous also, concidering all that is going on in that area of town.
6/10/2024 08:42:33 pm
Wow that’s a crazy adventure you went on. Glad you won at the casino 🤭🤭
6/26/2024 11:19:45 am
I wonder if that young construction worker knew what an adventure he was sending you on. I'm glad you made it through the jungle and safely to your vehicle, with a few extra steps on your pedometer 😉
7/4/2024 02:48:25 pm
Thanks Erin. He did send me on a dangerous route, hopefully unknowingly!
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